BRIMONT HR Solutions jointly with BRIMONT Energy, started in the second half of June a cycle of strategic working meetings with Clients and other Stakeholders, which aim to promote the discussion on the transfer of competences from the Oil&Gas industry to renewable energies industries and under this context present its services and specific skills to support the development of these projects.

Aware that the world will not run out of oil in the short term – oil is considered a strategic resource until 2050, and that the national economic reality is especially dependent on this activity, the energy transition that is advocated as inevitable, will have to pass in a first phase by reducing the carbon footprint of the oil industry itself.

In a context in which the major international oil groups and national oil companies are currently seeking to strengthen their perception as Energy companies in the broadest sense of the term, we believe that the strategy of intensifying the inclusion of cleaner technological solutions in oil production, will involve a perspective of re-qualification and/or re-assignement of a wide variety of professions and skills that either already exist or, in more specific cases, given the level of qualification (technicians and/or engineers), with an appropriate approach aiming the development of competences in renewable energy projects, will be easily acquired.

We believe that BRIMONT is the right business partner in this Change process.


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